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Media Repository
- If Western society discussed death more openly, would Halloween’s appeal hold such sway?
- The Merc, the monks, and the pursuit of excellence
- Exploring Key Concepts of Hinduism
- The tale of two Hindu Prime Ministers
- Re-defining marriage: how India slowly changed its mind
- Untouchable: experiencing discrimination around the world
- Rishi Sunak’s wealth and why he doesn’t apologise for it
- Estonian version of Found By Love
- Evidence and Answers - Hawaii 2
- Evidence and Answers - Hawaii 1
- An evening with Rahil Patel
- Podcast: From Hindu Priest to Follower of Christ
- Podcast: Undeceptions - Australia
- Podcast - Meeting JK Rowling
- Dutch Article: Waarom Jezus zoveel beter is dan de goeroe van ex-hindoepriester Rahil
- Swedish: Dagen Daily Newspaper interview
- God Reports - Santa Monica, USA
- Eternity News - Australia
- Crossmap Story - USA
- Embrace the Nations -UK
- Evangelical Alliance - Video Interview
- Hello Christian - USA
- IFES - The Netherlands
- Church Times - Interview
- Baptist Union UK - Review